Compare International Shipping Rates Canada in 2018
Rate Increase for DHL, FedEx, UPS
What you need to know about DHL
Processing Fee – 2.5% of Value of Duties and Taxes, $10.50 minimum
A service charge is applied to any import of a non-document shipment for which DHL advances to Customs any duties, charge or taxes and then re-bills the receiver.
Transaction Fee – $4.75
The transaction charge is added to any import shipment where DHL Express has to collect the duties and taxes on delivery.
Bonded Storage – $7.50 plus 0.20 per kg per day
Applicable when the holding of a shipment is requested by the customer, a shipment is awaiting clearance documents or clearance by a third party broker assigned by the customer.
Get the Lowest Shipping Rates from DHL
InXpress was founded to reduce the shipping expense for the small & medium business. Large business often gets the best price due to the volume they do with the carriers. With InXpress you get our Pre-Negotiated prices which are up to 60% of retail prices. There are no Minimum Shipments, No Hidden Fees or any other Costs.