2018 DHL vs UPS vs FedEx Rate Comparison Canada

Compare International Shipping Rates Canada in 2018

Rate Increase for DHL, FedEx, UPS

Every new year around the first week of January all major carriers do a general rate increase. As a shipper, you need to review your shipping options every new year to ensure you’re getting the best deal.
DHL increased their rates by an average of 4.9%.
FedEx increased their rates by an average of 4.9%.
UPS increased their rates by an average of 4.9%
Yes, all three carriers pretty much increased rates the same across the board. duh!

What you need to know about DHL

DHL, Based in Bonn, Germany but founded by three Americans Larry Hillbloom, Adrian Dalsey and Robert Lynn. The name “DHL” is the initials of the founders last name.
DHL is the largest international logistics company. Its market share is bigger than UPS & FedEx. DHL has more customs officers than any other carrier and understands red tape better than anybody.DHL offer’s a simple Fee Structure for Customs

Processing Fee – 2.5% of Value of Duties and Taxes, $10.50 minimum

A service charge is applied to any import of a non-document shipment for which DHL advances to Customs any duties, charge or taxes and then re-bills the receiver.

Transaction Fee – $4.75

The transaction charge is added to any import shipment where DHL Express has to collect the duties and taxes on delivery.

Bonded Storage – $7.50 plus 0.20 per kg per day

Applicable when the holding of a shipment is requested by the customer, a shipment is awaiting clearance documents or clearance by a third party broker assigned by the customer.


Most customers often get charged approx $15 for customs processing. Which is cheaper than UPS & FedEx.


Get the Lowest Shipping Rates from DHL

InXpress was founded to reduce the shipping expense for the small & medium business. Large business often gets the best price due to the volume they do with the carriers. With InXpress you get our Pre-Negotiated prices which are up to 60% of retail prices. There are no Minimum Shipments, No Hidden Fees or any other Costs.

2018 International Shipping Rate Comparison: DHL vs UPS vs FedEx

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